Best Deals On "LEGO® BIONICLE® Barraki Deepsea Patrol" in Great Price at here. You can order LEGO® BIONICLE® Barraki Deepsea Patrol in stock. Limited times offers. Great Price on Best buy LEGO® BIONICLE® Barraki Deepsea Patrol with Special Offers for You. Shopping Today
Features Of LEGO® BIONICLE® Barraki Deepsea Patrol
- A monstrous creature carries the Barraki and their dangerous sea squid to the Pit
- When a Toa approaches in a transport pod, the battle is on
- This special set includes a crab creature, a jellyfish creature and miniature Barraki and Toa Mahri figures
- Additional features: Vehicle with egg-grasping mouth, three-legged squid shooter controlled by a Barraki
- Contains 228 Pieces
- Features stinging jellyfish with glow-in-the dark arms, and transport capsule for the Toa